What is the Call?

So what’s with the name Fishermen’s Call? The name has meaning on different levels. It reflects first the call (and promise!) of Jesus, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This is the purpose of Christ for his original crew and all those he has called since then—to make us fishers of men, who spread our gospel nets throughout the world, so that through our labors all the “fish,” all God’s people, would be caught. The question we must ask ourselves is, “Will we follow him?”

In connection with this, Fishermen’s Call also reflects the call with which each of us as Christ’s fishermen go into the whole world. By this call we “catch” men, that is, we make disciples of all nations. The work of making disciples begins with the evangelistic call, as on behalf of God himself we command sinners everywhere to repent and be reconciled to him, to turn to his Son while there is time. We engage in this task with holy, blood-earnest urgency, knowing that a day is coming, by divine appointment, when the resurrected Christ will judge the world.

On a deeper level though, our task of evangelism involves the sovereign call of Christ himself, the Chief Fisherman (who never lets anyone he’s after get away!), through our gospel ministry. His call never fails in its design to draw sinners to repentance and faith in the gospel.

These are the meanings that lie behind our ministry’s name, Fishermen’s Call. By the way, have you answered the call?