30 Ways to Use Gospel Tracts

Hopefully, the following list will give you some ideas of how you can put the “silent missionaries” to work. No matter where or how you choose to distribute tracts, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for each tract placed, and then pray for the Lord of the harvest to bless the seed sown.

  1. Put in greeting cards.
  2. Pass out door to door.
  3. Share with fellow campers.
  4. Tack up on bulletin boards.
  5. Put in pockets of used clothing given away.
  6. Pass out at parades, festivals, and special events.
  7. Hand out at stadium entrances, concerts, etc.
  8. Mail out (with return address) to names in the phone book.
  9. Leave in laundromats.
  10. Give to attendants at parking garages, toll booths, etc.
  11. Leave in hotel rooms (in the drawers, telephone book, etc.
  12. Include in bills paid by mail.
  13. Hand to store employees and check out clerks.
  14. Leave in returned library books.
  15. Put in magazines in waiting rooms.
  16. Get permission to set up tract racks in stores and businesses.
  17. Enclose in letters to prisoners, pen-pals, etc.
  18. Leave with (generous) tip in restaurants.
  19. Give to hospital and nursing home patients while visiting.
  20. Hand out at zoos, picnic areas, and beaches.
  21. Leave on seat on a bus, plane, cab, etc.
  22. Leave in locker at health club.
  23. Pass out on busy street corners.
  24. Give out on college campus.
  25. Leave in break room or cafeteria at work or school.
  26. Leave for the newspaper boy, mail man, etc.
  27. Put in each box or bag of every merchandise you sell.
  28. Put in airport lounges, bus terminals, etc.
  29. Give to students at Vacation Bible School and Sunday School.
  30. Rent booths at fairs for tract displays.