Black Friday Evangelism 2011

Late on Thanksgiving evening, lines lengthened outside various stores in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, as the midnight launch of Black Friday 2011 approached. But for me and my gospel comrades, these lines of waiting shoppers were an evangelism opportunity. For we are the “evangelistic vigilantes” of Fishermen’s Call, whose bold agenda was not the various deals offered at the stores but disseminating and declaring God’s truth to the souls in those lines.

But the first order of business was pouring out our hearts to the Lord for needed grace and power. The success of our ministry efforts depends not on us, but on our Christ, who graciously seeks and saves sinners (though they seek deals rather than him). Oh, how we need the Spirit’s work bringing the Word home to hearts!

Around 11 pm, we drove over to Shopko, the first of our targeted stores, each toting a stack of special “Black Friday Coupon” Bible tracts. A crowd stretched out from the doors to the end of the building. We made our way through the line, handing tracts to all who would take them. After a quick run there, we headed over to Target. As we approached the store, we were shocked to see a huge line snaking down the building and past adjacent stores! We again made our way through the line, handing out tracts and conversing as we had opportunity.

It was interesting to watch their reaction. Many eagerly reached for the coupon, excited about another deal to be had. As they looked it over, their attitude changed to perplexity. They quietly read the gospel message on the back. When they understand what it’s about, some laughed, and some handed them back, saying something like, “Give this to someone else. I don’t need it. I go to church.” Jesus’ words came to my mind: “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:7). This is one symptom of a general attitude we encountered at the stores. Once they understood the message of the “coupon,” they were rather indifferent. They did not value the gospel anywhere near the things they were standing in line to buy.

Then we wrapped up our midnight run at the Forest Mall and the nearby Best Buy store. I approached a young man named Mike standing at the corner of Best Bay opposite the direction the line was heading. He was hoping to take a shortcut in and get a great deal on a television. His opportunism served him in a higher way, as I had a God-appointed opportunity to take him through the law and the gospel.

I also spoke with a young Hispanic man named Jose’ who was standing at the front of the line with his friends (suffice to say, they had been there a while). One of my brothers ran into some young men with whom he had shared Christ’s truth at the county fair last summer. Unfortunately, they were still stuck in apathetic rejection.

After this, we traveled around to the same stores again to pick up any littered tracts. It is interesting to note the condition of some of the littered tracts. They are folded or a little bit crumpled, as if they were disposed of in anger.

We then went to a nearby McDonald’s for food and fellowship. There was a line there, too!  What a time we had there, as our hearts burned together in God’s truth! Our souls were renewed and revitalized by the gospel fellowship we enjoyed over burritos and coffee. This is a huge benefit of Fishermen’s Call evangelism events — the sweet joy of making much of Christ in fellowship.

Later, we were joined by three other gospel comrades for the 4 am opening of some other stores at the mall. At this point, the mall walkway was open, so our team sought gospel opportunities there. My brother and I were blessed by God with a wonderful opportunity to declare the word of Christ to two friends, Brandon and Cassie. What a joy and high honor to share the good news of our King, after laying down the foundation of His law. How gracious He looks to unworthy sinners then!

The team made a final stop for the 6am opening at Menard’s, where tracts were again handed out and our sister comrade was bold in the Lord to speak of Christ with a whole group of shoppers. The Black Friday event (an all-night event for some!) wrapped up with breakfast and fellowship. All glory to God for the work done in spreading His Word!

Will you pray with us for the many who were given tracts or who personally heard the gospel that night? The Lord is faithful to take the seeds planted and make them bear fruit for eternity!