Fondue Fest Mission

Would you be willing to give some of your God-given time to make an impact for eternity on those in Fond du Lac? Fishermen’s Call has purchased a site at this year’s Fond du Lac’s Fondue Fest. Fondue Fest is a free, one-day festival commemorating the world’s largest fondue set while celebrating family, fun and community. Fondue Fest attracts over 15,000 visitors throughout the day of the festival. This effort will be evangelistic. We will be there to engage in conversation and to provide Gospel literature. This is a prime opportunity for us to obey our Lord’s command to seek and save the lost. Could you sit at a booth and pray for the Lord to bring souls to you and then have the joy of speaking to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All you need to bring is a passion for Christ and a heart for the lost. Fishermen’s Call will have the honor of partnering with Burnbrothers Ministries this year. Tracts and materials are provided by Fishermen’s Call and Burnbrothers Ministries. The event is held in Downtown Fond du Lac. Admission is free. The hours of Fondue Fest 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 8. Any time you can commit is greatly appreciated. Please reply if you would be interested in assisting OR call me at (920) 602-6121. Those who reply to confirm their participation will receive more information on the location of the Fishermen’s Call booth at the Fondue Fest. If for any reason you cannot commit, please pray for us and for those whom the Father is drawing. Thank you. We look forward to laboring with you in preparing the way for the Lord.