Gospel of God

It has been my experience that many Christian Americans, overall, assume the Gospel. This is important to know since you will have to correct and clarify your hearer of their misconception when you witness to them. In this follow-up to a previous article defining “What is the Gospel?” we will look at some misconceived “gospels” that will not save you and do not commend Christ. May this be an exercise for you in discerning the true from false.

Gospel of Prosperity

This gospel offers the easy life, your best life now. Often you will see this as life enhancement; come to Jesus and He will fix your marriage, find you a better job, produce well-behaved kids, drive a nice car and look slimmer. Instead you should come to Jesus with your sin, guilt, shame and condemnation and exchange it with His righteousness. This health-wealth, name it-claim it gospel uses God as Santa Claus and Jesus as a genie. It’s all about God’s blessings; from a good parking spot to a six figure salary. Jesus would say, “Store up your treasure in heaven.”

Gospel of Moralism

This is the gospel of the good person. It looks good from a distance, but after close examination unfortunately it leads to legalism. It promotes the idea that a good person goes to heaven. Do this, don’t do this. The Bible viewed as the a way of life, good advice for a better life and a better you. If you live a certain way God will reward you. “Do good for goodness sake.” This is a gospel that a family focused conservative can easily subscribe to. Sadly, this gospel is void of God’s grace. Without the grace of God in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, it will have the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.

Gospel of Social Justice

This is the gospel of the liberal. Correcting injustice and providing relief for the impoverished is their mission. The focus is building the kingdom of God instead of seeking it. Current political events steer it’s agenda; such as education, same-sex marriage and environmentalism. The Good News about guilty sinners in the hands of a holy God and His love toward them through His Son is removed and replaced with feeding and clothing the poor while  we shelter them. These acts of mercy are something that we should be actively involved with since the Gospel has so transformed our lives that we can’t help but extend ourselves to those in need. The reality is the world is still going to hell with a full stomach and a full wardrobe unless they hear about what Jesus Christ has done.

Gospel of Incarnation

The motto of this gospel would be “Preach the Gospel, use words if necessary.” This gospel believes the American notion that action speaks louder than words, “I preach the Gospel by my life.” Common language you might hear is “live out the gospel,” “be the gospel,” “gospel each other.” There is a slight hint of truth in their motive. Our lives should be a vivid testimony to commend the Gospel, but if my life is the means to communicate the Gospel then we’re in big trouble. The Gospel isn’t anything the Christian can live out, practice, or become. Instead, the Gospel must be verbally communicated. Naively, we think our plan of loving them into the kingdom will work apart from God’s ordained plan of preaching His Gospel. God has chosen the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe. We are to be witnesses for the Gospel of Jesus. Our lives should live in light of the Gospel and be an “Amen” to the Gospel. Without words, our actions only point to ourselves.

All the concerns above are NOT the Gospel. And that’s not all of them; I’m sure I’ve missed a few. Often we get the implications of the Gospel confused with declaration of the Gospel. Natural man in his unregenerate state would take any one of these Christ-less gospels. The Biblical Gospel offers nothing the natural man wants. There is only one Gospel that deals with the corrupt, sinfulness of our hearts and our rebellion to God. In the Gospel, Jesus offers us forgiveness of sins, eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit. None of which these false gospels offer since there is only one Gospel.

Gospel of God

This is God’s Gospel; given to Jesus then to the Apostles and eventually passed down to us. What God has done for guilty sinners to be forgiven and reconciled is a historic event accomplished by His Son, Jesus of Nazareth. This is God’s Gospel; it’s not about us, but rather for us. It is the declaration of the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ, through whom sin is atoned for, sinners are reconciled to God, and the hope of the resurrection awaits all who believe. This is the Good News that has entered time and is good for all people regardless of our existence or involvement. It’s time to deliver the News!