Super Bowl Evangelism 2012

On Friday, February 3, 2012, one hundred and nine evangelists from California to Canada hit the streets of Indianapolis for the Super Bowl. They had a mission to lift up the name of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Gospel to the lost.

I (Duane Schneider) was blessed to be part of the team from our Fond du Lac-based Fishermen’s Call ministry. The Superbowl outreach was organized by Bill Adams of Sports Fan Outreach. It is an evangelistic ministry that has been reaching sports fans with the Gospel for over ten years.

Every morning started with 45 minutes of corporate prayer, breakfast, hymns and then two hours of challenging, encouraging Biblical teaching. We would jam into a school bus and reach the stadium about noon.

As we picked out our street corner next to a mall theater, the crowd began to build. I have never seen so many people in one place. One evangelist would stand on a “box” elevated platform and preach the Gospel to the crowd passing by. The reaction was everything from mockingly kneeling, blaspheming and sometimes, even some authentic questions.

John 3:19-20 says, “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.” As we revealed the light of God’s law, many rebelled. As the Gospel was being heralded, the others would hand out tracts and engage in one-on-one conversations. We handed out tracts with a picture of the Lucas Oil Stadium on one side and the Gospel on the other. These were taken by passersby with little effort.

At 9 p.m. we wrapped up our first day of evangelism and made our way back to camp.

Saturday was a day of light rain all day, but we knew that we had a message that needed to be taken to the streets. As I was handing out tracts, Mchill and Chris, two brothers age 15 and 13, stopped to ask me if I was with the man preaching the Gospel. These young men had a church background but were unsure of their salvation. As I shared the Gospel with them it became clear they had never been born again. I explained how I had also played the game, going to church, praying, doing good things for over 30 years, but I had never repented and thrown myself at the mercy of Jesus Christ to trust in Him alone.

As the three of us stood outside with tears in our eyes, they hung on my every word. I explained if they were the only ones that I got to share the Gospel with all weekend, it would have been worth it. These young men were hungry to know how to get right with God and I praise Him for using me to challenge them to do so.

As the day went on, I had the opportunity to speak with a couple of young Muslim men who knew the Koran very well. As I spoke to them, I challenged them, asking how they could be cleared of their sin. They took a tract and thanked me for the teaching.

Later in the day, I confronted two young men promoting a false religion. I explained the difference between grace and works righteousness. Galatians 2:16, “Yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.” They seemed more interested in seeking unity than the truth. As we traveled back, I wondered what the Church would look like if it had the same zeal for Jesus Christ as it has for sports and entertainment.

Sunday was a warm sunny day with high expectations. We set up on an elevated platform next to the bathrooms. This meant we had a captive audience at all times. While preaching, one of our team, Robert, had a man try to take his Bible and punch him in the ribs. He replied with a “Thank you sir.” Again evangelists covered the grounds with the Gospel and tracts. I was told of a man who purchased a Super Bowl ticket for over a thousand dollars from a scalper, and upon reaching the gate, he was informed it was a counterfeit and had to leave. I wonder how many professing Christians will hear those words of Matthew 7:23, “Depart from me; never knew you,” as they enter the gate of eternity.

Many are trusting in their good works, church attendance, “Personal Relationship” or the point they “invited Jesus into their heart.” All these things are good, but you must come to God on His terms. Repent (turn from sin, turn to God). Put your trust in Jesus Christ alone. I pray you will not be like the man trying to get his last minute ticket.

It was a true blessing to serve with all the brother and sisters in the Lord at the Super Bowl. Twenty years from now most who attended won’t remember who won the Super Bowl, but I am pretty sure some will remember Super Bowl of 2012 as the year their hearts were changed by the power of the Gospel that was preached.