Tag Archives: Beautiful Eulogy

Lyrical Theology – The Size of Grace

And for this I’m not fit for the task to craft words with
Adequate passion to match the, size of grace
Beyond anything I can grasp but it grabs hold of me
So I hold on tight and hug it back
Surrounded by grace that surpasses the past
Beyond anything we could hope for or ask
How can words describe the Word made flesh?
The best way to understand Him is to understand His death
What He set to accomplish and fulfilled with every step
He was sent from the Father, God’s gift to the world
Gave His only Son to purchase sons and daughters
To make us one with the Son and one with the Father
Took upon Himself the condemnation we deserved
Resurrected after death and He promised to return
Filled us with the Spirit to seal our election
And protect us until the day that we share in His resurrection

The size of grace how great the size?
The gates of Heaven are open wide!
And people of all kind are welcome inside
Should have been denied but instead God replied
He said, in your place my Son has died
His death gave you life it’s the size of grace
Innocent blood that was shed to erase
Every trace of sin for a chosen race
It’s the great exchange, it’s power to change
The Gospel, salvation for ALL who believe
All for His glory, overcoming our hatred and sin with His divine love

The love of our God, gracious and kind
God became a man and suffered for mankind
The punishment for our sin, was poured out on Him
So we could be forgiven and forever live
Saved by grace the cost was not cheap
We can’t add to it, His work is complete
The greatest gift we could ever receive
It’s the Gospel, salvation for all who believe

So we pray for strength of the power of His Holy Spirit
So that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith
That we would have the strength to comprehend,
Together with all the saints
The height, depth, and length
The love of Christ that surpasses knowledge
Filled with the fullness of God
The size of grace

Lyrical Theology – The Size of Sin

The size of sin is as small as a grain of sand, but separates between wide ocean and dry land.

It’s bigger than bad habits; it’s a matter of man seeking for God’s spot following in same pattern as Adam.

Its deep rooted we are the seed of a broken family tree branching out limbs of disease.

Look at this mess we leave.

This weight of wickedness is heavy as lead trying to catch its descents like stopping a falling rock in a spider’s web.

It’s thin silk thread begins to snap and all that’s left is the residue that sticks between the cracks.

It all ends with a slip into a bottomless pit, grips the heart in the man’s chest till swallowing death.

Sipping for the glass of God’s wrath and genuine justice a just judge must summons for infinite punishment.

The smallest white lie is enough for being indictable.

The size of sin so big it causes a cosmic fraction and Hell is the only relevant response to righteous reaction.

This is what our sinful actions actually earned us, but God took upon himself the weight of sin reserved for us; a weight so significant that only the blood of an innocent one is acceptable and worthy.

So rather than make light of it or minimize the size of it, we should marvel at the magnitude of mercy.

Lyrical Theology – Covet

Before the world began and the fall of man,

You unfolded the drama of salvation’s plan,

And though we violate we’re cursed by the law,

He sent His Son to die and He absorbed it all,

We covet we kill our throats are open graves,

We lie and we steal but He still saves,

It’s happening now new hearts will burn,

All creation yearns for the King’s return.